When Sweden announced it was going for herd immunity the rest of the world gasped. Privately, we all thought their government was mad. They should be in panic like the rest of us—shutting everything down and keeping everyone safe from the deadly virus. Covid-19 is a pandemic the WHO told […]
General Interest
A Texas doctor has gone public arguing that Anti-Trump hatred by left leaning US health authorities is so bad that they are denying U.S. doctors and their patients access to the cure for Covid-19, just because Trump first brought it up. Dr Ivette Lozano from Dallas first learned about the Covid-19 […]
In the past 24 hours Facebook has been buzzing over multitudes of people being banned by Facebook for sharing a link to the International Free Press Award night where Tommy Robinson gave his acceptance speech for receiving this outstanding award. This action has made it official to the users in […]
In 1885 a Nationwide revival started in Australia led by two female Methodist evangelists. At the end of this move of God in 1914, over 100,000 new churches, bible studies, study groups were formed. The ban on female church leaders was also lifted. During that time Australia also became a […]
REZA YAZDAN PARAST avoided being deported from Victoria by having to serve 225 hours of community Service. He committed what was described as a “sickening assault” on two patrons of the Sin City Gentlemen’s Club in Dec 2016. “BRUTAL footage has emerged of two strip club bouncers punching and kicking […]
People were outraged when they heard that a local Queensland Council had fined a homeless man for sleeping in a bus shelter. The 50 year old was issued with a $652 fine. The man was given an infringement notice by a Gold Coast City Council officer for ‘illegal camping’ at the Warner […]
Voters are waking to the realisation that voting Lib/Lab/Green is a choice AGAINST our national interests in different forms—from Globalism under Turnbull to straight out Communism under the Greens. These three Political Parties in particular are characterised by the one notion, that their Party has all the answers and that […]
Hidden in the current Foreign Interference legislation before Parliament is additional legislation that should be of concern to all Australians. It changes Treason offences against our Country. It seeks to change the definition of treachery and “modernise it”. Politicians that undermine the Constitution of the Commonwealth by using illegal lawmaking will […]
If only the attack on our Sovereignty came from another country, we could deal with it as a nation. Unfortunately we have been white-anted by successive Communist and Socialist leaders that have sought to follow agendas that are at odds with the interests of the people of Australia. This is […]
Since Nelson Mandela and the communist African National Congress (ANC) took over South Africa, more than 70,000 whites have been murdered and untold numbers have been robbed, raped and tortured. Official statistics on farm attacks are non-existent, due to what human rights groups have described as a “cover-up” by the notoriously corrupt — and […]
WARNING: Shocking account of what Victorian Police term “Home Invasion” but is in reality nothing short of a hate crime against Victorians. The mother lost her 6 month old baby in the bedroom after her belly was cruelly stomped on and the son committed suicide two months later after being […]
Victorian Police have now arrested FIVE patriots involved in a Milo Supporters counter rally at the Milo Conference held in Melbourne December 4 last year, yet no reports of Union or African thugs arrested. The last person was arrested yesterday by seven heavily armed police at his home as he […]
“For some time my husband worked at the [Manus Island Detention] centre. He, his former work colleagues, local staff, female and male were subjected to violent assaults and even assaults of a sexual nature on a daily basis; with my husband having been assaulted DOZENS of times. The staff there […]
Another Australian Embassy is putting Muslims first. This time it is the Australian Embassy in Amman, Jordon. The reason we know this is that a family member has contacted an Australian patriot page with their story who then became a witness to the blocking of this Christian family by embassy staff.
“Safe Schools” so called “anti-bullying” program has introduced a tipping point into our society that every parent needs to consider very carefully. For the first time under the guise of “caring”, parents are being denied the right to decide what is good for their children. Regardless of the content of the actual […]
The Immigration Department listed on their website the following values as being the societal values of Australia. A direct comparison of Islamic values to Australian values shows an incompatibility that must question the suitability of any immigrants followers of Islam. The Islamic values are taken from the Cairo Declaration signed by 58 […]
“Multiculturalism” assumes that our laws, social framework, technology and amenities will create such a welcoming and friendly atmosphere that all people will assimilate with us —because of our “superior” lifestyle. The problem with this view is that it overlooks the dynamic effect religion plays in people’s lives. It also denies […]
There is a reason why the majority of Australians are feeling voiceless in their own society. There is a violation to our freedoms that is being committed by multiculturalists in our government bodies… using “religious freedom”. In 1982 the subject of Religion in Australia was investigated by the Supreme Court in Victoria over a case […]
When Thomas Jefferson saw there was no negotiating with Muslim pirate overlords, he formed what is now the Marines (sea going soldiers). These Marines were attached to U. S. Merchant vessels. When the Muslims attacked U.S. merchant vessels they were repulsed by armed soldiers, but there is more. The Marines […]
Four shocking cases have surfaced in the past two weeks that are telling ordinary Australians that our immigration system is compromised and needs serious overhaul. It appears that if you are Christian and male in particular you are on your own. Australia only caters to victimised Muslim females and their families.
The Silent Majority are now awake You created “us” when you attacked our freedom of speech. You created “us” when you referred to us as racists. You created “us” when you attacked our Christian beliefs. You created “us” when you called us xenophobic. You created “us” when you forced us […]
(This RANT was shared to a Facebook page EXPOSING ISLAM on 14/Jan/2017—Admins on Facebook are becoming frustrated being banned continuously for going against FaceBook’s “Community Standards”…even when what they are posting is the complete truth. Facebook has becoming the most “useful” Religious Police for Islam. As many posts “disappear off timelines, this […]
Propaganda Islam: If you give me your children then you give me your country. Islam propaganda is here to deceive the West. ISIS is a pure Islam and Muslims in the WEST are deceiving our women and children about Islam. No mosque would ever be built in the West if we the […]
As a society we are being conditioned to accept that LGBTI is a legitimate lifestyle choice. In Victoria and Canberra parents are being forced to have their children preached this message under “Safe Schools” complete with descriptions on what each of those same lifestyle choices entail. The problem with this LGBTI (Humanist) Agenda is that […]
Every person in the West needs to watch this short video on the History of Islam. This is the history of the world that we should be teaching our people concerning the Middle East. 270 million people were butchered by Islam. Over 1400 years Islam has not changed. The values and practices of Islam still remain the […]
In November 1999 Australians through a nationwide Referendum decided NOT to create a Republic. This was a confirmation to the Government that Australians wanted to remain as Australian with an Australian Constitution—we wanted to stay with what we knew. But what the Australian public didn’t know is that our Labor politicians were […]
BRITAIN: Yesterday, people across the world including in Australia, celebrated as they witnessed Anjem Choudry receive 10 years jail for his transgressions against the British public. He has always advocated establishing Sharia Law in Britain, the inequality of women and the removing all Shirk* and non Muslims from all […]
Consider this: The separation of “Church” from “State” is a mandate from God made through the Bible to man, and not the other way around. When Moses took the people out of Egypt he was assigned the job of head of State and Aaron was given the job of looking after the […]
We have gone to our Council’s Planning Departments with our concerns to no avail. Even our Courts have asked for the Social Impact studies that relate specifically to Australia. Now we can go to them both with the evidence that our concerns about Mosques in Australia are warranted. Finally a detailed non-political study has […]
To understand the Issues with Islamic migration is to understand that unlike any other group on the planet, Muslims and Islam share an interwoven a path of living life called Sharia. Islam prescribes what they eat, who they marry, gender roles, occupations and outlook on life, food clothing and laws […]
People are accusing Anti-Islam pages (like Stop the Mosque in Bendigo) that report each massacre as it unfolds before they know if it was Muslim-related—as being racist and divisive. Understand these pages are also against the lies of “Political Correctness” and for good reason. The media, the Government and the police are now choosing […]
Australia has “politely” allowed Islamic law, Sharia to have its way in our country. This is becoming dangerous to our freedom, the equality cornerstone of our culture and it must be halted immediately. Consider the following:
ENEMEDIA: Definition: (Urban Dictionary) “media-usually left-wing -that lies, distorts, censors and ignores key facts or information when reporting out of fear, ignorance, ineptitude or the typically willful promotion the a the Left side of political agendas only, choosing to dispense propaganda instead of questioning authority and practicing objective journalism”….(selling out journalism for […]
We learned today that the mosque planning application for Bendigo has been given the go ahead, even though the majority of the town doesn’t want it, wasn’t consulted and a list of planning anomalies that measures nearly one and half metres in length. Justice has not been done. Political correctness […]
George Soros was born in Hungary. His family were non practising Jews and changed their name to assimilate into the gentile population. When Hitler’s henchman, Adolf Eichmann arrived in Hungary to oversee the extermination of the Jews, George Soros ended up working with a man whose job it was to confiscate property […]
AMIN AL-HUSSEINI—GRAND MUFTI of JERUSALEM —1897 to 1974 SUMMARY: As an officer in the Turkish army he participates first-hand in the Armenian genocide. Amin Al-Husseini returns to Palestine. He brings with him lessons of genocide and the vision of leading a Pan-Islamic empire, where Jews and Christians are not […]
We have just been given the details of the post that caused the 10 people behind the infamous “Stop the Mosque in Bendigo” to be banned—some as long as 30 days—from using Facebook. The Admins posted this comment this morning: IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Hi Guys we are back after Facebook […]
The head covering in Islam—the Hijab, is not liberation, nor will it ever will be for the advancement of women. Most believers tend to have their own opinions of why something is a part of their religion. Hijab is one of those subjects, where the Muslim public relations campaign is usually […]
What normal Sunni Muslims think—killing the myth of radical Islam. A congress of Muslims in Norway is interrupted to show commonality and unity in beliefs concerning Sharia and Sharia Punishments. The West has been shocked by seeming barbarity of ISIS and the daily Sharia punishments it metres out on residents. Yet […]
The aftermath of the Lindt Cafe Siege birthed Reclaim Australia Rallies. Across the nation thousands of families and patriots came out with flags and posters to voice their concerns about the changing social landscape of Australia. Melbourne Reclaim Rally supported by Danny Nahlia’s Rise Up Australia Party, PDLA and […]
There are many agendas playing out in the Australian political landscape—cultural marxism/socialism, big business, IMF, UN—but just who is looking out for the Australian People? The UN for example is a foreign power that in order to gain relevance requires nations like Australia to reduce our sovereignty and individual power […]
“Why does the Left media protect the left?” Because the political commentators of the Left media are either intermingled or married to the left politicians. It’s a family thing and they protect their own. Greg Combet (Labor) partnered to Juanita Phillips (ABC). Gai Brodtmann (Labor) married to Chris Uhlmann (ABC). […]
EXTRACT:—From Patriot Report filed with Stop the mosque in Bendigo FB page 30/8/2015 “The drama started when the lefties started to burn an Aussie flag while at the front of the steps of the Town Hall. This was second one they burned for the day. The first one no one could […]
FREEDOM OF SPEECH—Lesson from Africa. TRUE STORY: A white African friend of mine grew up as the only white kid in a black village. While he was at school he was invited by his black school mates to witness their town meeting over community issue. He recounted to a group of us what […]
If there was an award for the WORST photo journalism in Australia Bendigo Advertiser would have won it “hands down”. The criteria is not incompetence—it is the deliberate misuse of photography to diminish a person’s standing. This is the real Elise Chapman and these photos were taken this year, one of them just a month […]
Councillor Chapman was the subject of a Conduct Hearing over a controversial tweet of an alleged FGM photograph to a mosque supporter. It was done on a private phone, through a private twitter account, during private hours. After 11 weeks the conduct panel brought down its findings. It appears that the Bendigo Council has […]
THE BACKGROUND: In 2002 the Australian province of Victoria under LABOR, passed the Racial and Religious Tolerance Act. which:- “prohibits conduct that incites hatred, serious contempt, revulsion or severe ridicule of a person or group of people based on religious belief. “ This was a subjective law (“offence” coming from emotions) […]
In 2011 the most remarkable human event went unreported by our media. Fifteen million Egyptians (50% of the population) took to the streets in the world’s biggest “people’s rally” ever staged in the history of the planet. It was against their government and it’s secret police. The people found their […]
Australians are trying to fight the go-ahead of mosques in Bendigo and elsewhere on “planning grounds”. When the fact of the matter is that objectors fear being labelled a “racist” for contesting them on the one true ground for stopping any mosque—the threat to Australia’s sovereignty as a nation. By Islam’s own admission the West is […]
(LETTER: to The Victorian Premier, Acting Police Commissioner, and Australian Attorney General.) RE: Reclaim Rally 4th April 2014 Melbourne, Federation Square—Right to Peaceful Assembly Last Saturday on the 4th of April 2014 thousands of Victorians were denied their Right to Peaceful Assembly at a reclaim rally scheduled to commence at […]
Since 2007 the most subtle play has been happening in the UN between the Organisation of the Islamic Congress (OIC) countries led by Pakistan and the West (mainly EU and US and allies). What is also becoming apparent is that Western values no longer have the power they once had […]
All Australians want legislation that is fair and results in keeping our culture, peace and identity in place. Unfortunately 18C is not that. It is alien legislation to Australia, our culture and our way of democracy. What does makes our culture tick are easy going values that prevent us from developing bitter […]
Context: Islam, Allah and the Prophet Muhammad Muhammad is the prophet of Islam who through supernatural encounters with an angel called Gabriel at the age of 40, began delivering the words and commands of Allah, originally the name of the God of Arabia, almost until he died. These were later captured in the Koran […]
(100th Video —archived to to VIDEOS: The IMAM says ) MEMRI: Women Should Be Confined to the Home and Never Say No to Sex with Husband (5.50 mins) 23/1/2015: BERLIN: Friday sermon Al Nur Mosque: Shiek Abul Moez Al Eila “A woman must beautify herself. Under no circumstances is she allowed to […]
In the West we regard some of the head coverings of Muslim women as a form of Islamic oppression of women. A hijab is a covering that creates a separation or partition for the woman from the outside world. The Word hijab can be translated as head covering, veil or screen. Despite […]
Summary: 1. Halal certifiers sought to duplicate the Kosher system of certification —Muslims may not follow the earthly ways of “people of the book” therefore this practice is against the Koran. 2. The only foods that Allah said a Muslim must not eat (haram) is Pork, Blood, meat that has been strangled or […]
Background Franklin Roosevelt took office in 1933, he acted swiftly to try and stabilize the economy and provide jobs and relief to those who were suffering from the 1928 Wall Street crash that had then developed into the “Great Depression”. In 1932, Congress passed Roosevelt’s Emergency Banking Act, reorganized the […]
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is a well-known front group for the radical Islamists of the Muslim Brotherhood, yet they’ll attempt to appear to the public as a “civil rights” group — it’s a much friendlier title. They were also named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the The Holy Land Foundation […]
(NEW VIDEO added to VIDEOS: Islams Agenda) Man Who Escaped ISIS—”They Want to Plan an Attack ‘More Brutal’ than 9/11″ (4.35 mins) Rashidi learned that ISIS goal is to be “better” than al-Qaeda. They intend to perform a more disastrous attack on the west than 9/11, “They want to be more… […]
Humans have a higher order value that drives our lives above our self-preservation, above our spouse, and above our children. This life purpose people can find through religion and other “isms” of our world like socialism, capitalism. Consider Islam as one of these sources that gives purpose and meaning to billions of people. Here […]
By Yassin Musharbash (Speigel Article copied in full) written in 2005 “If there is anyone who might possibly have an inkling as to what al-Qaida are up to, it is the Jordanian journalist Fouad Hussein. He has not only spent time in prison with al-Zarqawi, but has also managed make […]
SAY NO to World Hijab Day: A female must wear a Hijib because to Muslim men her entire body is a “SEX ORGAN” This means if any part of her body is exposed, then it is her fault if she is raped. Hijabs in the nation of Islam are to […]
HUMAN RIGHTS AND ISLAM UN Declaration of Human Rights concerns the inherent dignity and equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family, for all peoples and all nations. Saudi Arabia, did not sign the UN declaration of Human Rights in 1948, arguing that it violated Islamic law. […]
Islam consists of roughly 84% Sunnis, 15% Shiites and 1% unorthodox. Sunni Muslims believe anyone can rule as long as they have adequate knowledge of the Quran, Shia Muslims however believe that only the blood-descendants of Muhammed can rule. - Wahhabis (Saudi) are a stricter fundamental form of Sunni Islam […]
Today’s news headlines report that there were 40,000 male and female divorcees in Iran last year, adding to the 25% of marriages ending in divorce. Unlike in the West however, females can only initiate divorce proceedings with the husband’s permission. Divorces are mostly frowned on in Islam. In Islamic cultures only the male […]
In Western and Islamic countries alike, children are exempt from real forms of punishment until they are adults. However, because Muhammad—the perfect man—considered his wife Aisha at the age of nine was indeed mature enough to consummate his marriage to her, that age of maturity for females has now been set into law […]
A survey was conducted on 2,106 mosques over a ten year period by CAIR. To gauge the attitude of mosque leaders in the USA and how they interpret Islam the survey offered four categories of increasing conservatism. Understanding the results for the US. What we see over the ten years is an […]
There is now a way that foreign Governments can own Australian land—but they need Australian Dhimmis to be Directors on their “Australian Company” in order to make it happen.
NEW VIDEO—Understanding Islam 14. DAVID WOOD: 3 stages of Jihad (24.50 mins) David Wood explains the three stages of jihad and how Muslims use the concept of the takkiya to lie and deceive Westerners so that they can keep defending the cause of Islam. The call to Jihad has three stages. […]
NEW VIDEO: CULTURAL SHOCKERS: 18. MEMRI: Fatwah on Sodomy as preparation for Anal Jihad (2.38.mins) Sodomy in Islam is forbidden. Yet this Fatwah allows for consenting jihadists to engage in sadomy for the purposes of widening the anal canal in order to eventually insert a rectal bomb for the purpoises of […]
A Proposed Charter for Muslim Understanding Foreword by Gerard Batten, UK Independence Party, Member of the European Parliament for London Foreword The Western European view of religion, achieved after centuries of bloodshed, conflict and division, is that religion is a matter of private belief and conscience. It’s time to decide […]
In Islam a Black Dog or donkey walking in front of a praying man or even an adult woman will invalidated his prayers. The Prophet said: “The prayer of a Muslim man is invalidated if he does not have in front of him something like the back of a saddle, by […]
Islam is a doctrine that orders the lives of millions of Muslims both in their own countries and the West. Throughout the Koran there are 527 verses that talk specifically to Muslims about disbelievers. They give direction on what constitutes a disbeliever, what will happen to them once they die, what their […]
The True Face of Islam (20.49 mins) This is a summary of Islam Problem and the Solution he sees for the West against Islam’s rising dominance. Geert Wilders is a global speaker and MP of the Dutch Parliament. He offers a global vision to a global issue. It is a call […]
The Halal religious tax on the food which the general population of Australia now consumes, goes to support Islam’s reach into Australia. This text was lifted from the home page of Halal Certification provider (www.sichma.com.au): SICHMA: - communicates with Islamic authorities and Ulema in Muslim countries, - supports both member and non-member […]
From an opening address by Tarek Fatah to the Security Council of Canada on 24th November 2014. These recommendations are to stop “Islamic Radicalisation” and equally apply to Australia. Our Government could implement these recommendations immediately. 7 RECOMMENDATIONS: (Please share to make this a reality) 1. Lay “hate speech” charges against any […]
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) or Female Circumcision is widely practiced in Africa and the Middle East and Asia, mostly within and adjacent to Muslim communities. It is maintained both through tribal culture and the practice of Islam and performed often under often horrendous conditions. In 85 percent of cases the clitoris will […]
The following is an article from Stop the mosque in Bendigo on the strategic placement of mosques especially in 2014 near airports and defence facilities. “NOW THIS IS INTERESTING… Of the new islamic fortresses (mosques) initiated this year 100% are 0-10km from an airport/airfield/RAAF base—and no one finds this […]
The following is from a speech given in the Dutch Parliament by Machiel de Graaf, a member of Geert Wilders’s Party for Freedom (Partij voor de Vrijheid, PVV). Transcript Without Islam, the Netherlands would be a wonderful country. I have heard very few speakers yet on this subject, […]
Summary. The Australian Islamic Mission (AIM), formerly Jamaat Daawah Islamiah, was established in 1973. It operated out of rented premises first in Lakemba then on Canterbury Road in Revesby. Australian Islamic Mission (Punchbowl Mosque) is behind the Bendigo Mosque. The Security Report details support for the Muslim Brotherhood, Hizb-ut Tahrir, the Caliphate […]
EDUCATION an article by Sandra Caddy. Education is a universal feature of human societies;[1] everyone is educated and everyone educates, yet the term and the practice, like politics, remains strongly contested.[2] Proponents of the Functionalist, Liberal and Social Democratic perspectives all understand that education functions, or could function, for the […]
HOW IT WORKS - Just download the free ap by searching ” buycott ” once you have it you can ” sign in using facebook ” then there is a large list of items you can avoid eg. Gmo, halal etc. Just select halal(and any others you wish). Once you […]
MUSLIM MINDSET The following polls have been collected from all over the world on the subject of Islam and islamic thinking. They cover the areas of terrorism, 9/11, honour killings, women’s roles, Sharia Law, Sharia punishments, alQaeda, suicide bombings, assimilation, killing of Jews, the Holocaust, attacks on America, use of […]
Ken Lay, our Police Commissioner, on 3AW has told various groups (paramedics, firefighters and customs officers) to ‘think about safety’ and not to wear their uniforms outside of work, as they may be targets of terrorism. Is anyone else out there incensed by this? Our armed services can no longer […]
Since 2007 the most subtle play has been happening in the UN between the Organisation of the Islamic Congress (OIC) countries led by Pakistan and the West (mainly EU and US and allies). What is also becoming apparent is that Western values no longer have the power they once had […]
(Photo courtesy of the Armidale Express) Ban the burqa?—some would say it is politically incorrect to even raise the subject, but it is a conversation that Australia must get into. Should the political attire of a segment of Australians prevail in our Westernised society especially if it prevents community cohesion […]