Australia has “politely” allowed Islamic law, Sharia to have its way in our country. This is becoming dangerous to our freedom, the equality cornerstone of our culture and it must be halted immediately. Consider the following:
- Halal Food discriminates against our lawful food producers including alcohol, tobacco, pork products, abattoirs;
- Islamic Banking (called Sharia Banking) discriminates against lending money to any Jewish and Christian businesses and any business involved in the defence of Australia; That is racist, discriminatory and dangerous.
- Centrelink pays for Multiple wives, when polygamy is banned in Australia;
- Hijab allowed in Service uniforms—when Hijabs are “religious prescribed clothing”, not cultural;
- Burqas are a security risk—when all other types of face coverings banned in banks, petrol stations etc.;
- Victoria’s underaged marriage laws, accommodate overseas pedophile Muslim marriages;
- Tolerating Islamic Schools and their gender-segregated classrooms;
- Tolerating gender segregated mosques and public meetings that discriminate between men and women;
- Allowing arranged marriages of minors to overseas husbands or overseas child brides to husbands here;
- Exempting Muslims from doing non Halal occupations whilst being supported by Centrelink;
- Sharia entitles males to double the inheritance of females which is Gender discrimination at law,
- 18C Blasphemy Legislation;
- Councils ruling that our women to “cover up” at swimming pools during Ramadan;
- Councils and governments banning certain types of legal foods to be served at functions discriminating against our food and catering producers and our cultural norms;
- Schools/business upholding Ramadan fasting by not allowing the majority to keep to their customs during this time;
- Allowing the collection of Zakat payments by mosques when a portion of Zakat payments must fund jihad;
- Segregated “Muslim women only” swimming at Government funded pools;
- Allowing Zakat payments from overseas to fund and influence OUR universities;
- Creating public nuisance with displays of prayers in public and blocking our streets;
- Raping, molesting, harassing our females and children currently excused by our legal system as “cultural differences” because pedophilia, raping of uncovered women it is sanctioned under Sharia Law;
- Disrupting the course of business and life by providing Prayer rooms, foot washing facilities and time off, for Sharia prescribed prayers 5 times a day;
- Not addressing Domestic Abuse, Honour Killings through public media, directed specifically at Muslims when both are acceptable practices under Sharia;
- Unregistered Marriage and divorce by Imams;
Accepting Sharia is a tolerance of a foreign legal system over ours and must be removed from consideration from our classrooms, banking and especially our Parliamentary system and law Courts immediately. The Government needs to also cease support of Sharia Finance and funding Sharia compliant bodies. They pay Zakat fees which according to Sharia must also go to support jihad—terrorism.

2 thoughts on “How we have allowed Sharia in the West.”
I call it criminal stupidity on part of our governement to create this absurd situation.
there is no way the Australian gov. has lost its balls to a lot of mother fucking camal fuckers like the muslims in Australia they all should just cut there own throaths and let Pauline hanson take over and kici all them out and give Australia back to Australia