“Studies on the subject of cross infection due to clothing suggest sleeves, pockets and other parts of healthcare workers’ coats and scrubs can harbor germs like Acinetobacter and Pseudomonas, NBC News reported.
One study found that a third of doctors’ neckties grew Staphylococcus aureus in the lab. Several found that the germs were often resistant to the top drugs used to treat them.”
As a result of studies such as these, it has now become standard cross-infection prevention policy in all Western Hospitals to insist on nursing staff to be “Bare below The Elbow”.
However, in Australia and in Sydney in particular, it has been leaked by concerned internal nursing staff that Hospital Administration are turning a blind eye to Muslim nurses wearing long sleeved shirts because of the modesty requirements imposed on them by their religious practices.
Simply put, hospital management are now prepared to put their patients lives at risk from cross infection, in order to circumvent the Hospital being accused of racism or sued for discrimination.

All hospitalised patients are at risk of acquiring an infection from their treatment or surgery. Some patients are at greater risk than others, especially young children, the elderly, and persons with compromised immune systems. Cancer patients and anyone with lowered immunity is now being placed at severe risk of cross infection by protocol voiding Muslim nursing staff for the sake of their “cultural considerations”.
This is the policy from NSW Health, Section 4 Hand Hygiene, hand care and care of bare area below the areas.
“Clothing that extends below the elbows must be removed or sleeves rolled up to the elbows during direct patient care. Patient gowns must not be worn over uniforms at any time.” (See below)
This policy is coming up for renewal in June 2016. Does this mean that in order to be politically correct and avoid future law suits that this policy may be toned down in order to accommodate the religious requirements of their Muslim nursing staff?
This is the current policy on Bare Below the Elbow.
3 thoughts on “Hospitals risk patients lives to avoid racism slur”
As a retired RN, I can see only two possible solutions.
1. Dress in isolation garb; hospital gown with gloves, and an OR hair cover
2. Recuse themselves from direct patient contact.
The hospital has only one iron clad responsibility, to protect the patient. Do no harm.
If these Muslims do not want to adhere to our hospital rules and life saving regulations they should not be applying to work in out hospitals . Please don’t bow down to their threats and accusations of racist - - This is out country Australia and out system we have to stand up for our rights and -if they don’t like it,go and live in countries that allow the practices they are used to.
I think the Health Dept. should set the rules, and if employees cannot comply with the rules, their employment should be terminated, or potential employees are not prepared to comply with the rules they should not be employed at all.