REZA YAZDAN PARAST avoided being deported from Victoria by having to serve 225 hours of community Service. He committed what was described as a “sickening assault” on two patrons of the Sin City Gentlemen’s Club in Dec 2016. “BRUTAL footage has emerged of two strip club bouncers punching and kicking […]
Law and Constitution
Hidden in the current Foreign Interference legislation before Parliament is additional legislation that should be of concern to all Australians. It changes Treason offences against our Country. It seeks to change the definition of treachery and “modernise it”. Politicians that undermine the Constitution of the Commonwealth by using illegal lawmaking will […]
If only the attack on our Sovereignty came from another country, we could deal with it as a nation. Unfortunately we have been white-anted by successive Communist and Socialist leaders that have sought to follow agendas that are at odds with the interests of the people of Australia. This is […]
When Multiculturalism was adopted as a policy for Australia three commonsense limitations were placed on the Policy to safeguard Australians from abuse. This documentation was readily available on the Government website up to 2014. However the page can no longer be found. (The link was Fortunately the content of those limitations has been preserved as follows.
There is a reason why the majority of Australians are feeling voiceless in their own society. There is a violation to our freedoms that is being committed by multiculturalists in our government bodies… using “religious freedom”. In 1982 the subject of Religion in Australia was investigated by the Supreme Court in Victoria over a case […]
When Thomas Jefferson saw there was no negotiating with Muslim pirate overlords, he formed what is now the Marines (sea going soldiers). These Marines were attached to U. S. Merchant vessels. When the Muslims attacked U.S. merchant vessels they were repulsed by armed soldiers, but there is more. The Marines […]
Now that ISIS have officially declared war on the Egyptian Copts we must place Christians from Egypt as a priority to be considered for refugee settlement. The threats from Islamic militants are not hollow. Anti-Islam pages in Australia have had numerous photos passed onto them of murdered Christian Copts in recent days […]
The Silent Majority are now awake You created “us” when you attacked our freedom of speech. You created “us” when you referred to us as racists. You created “us” when you attacked our Christian beliefs. You created “us” when you called us xenophobic. You created “us” when you forced us […]
In 2013 the first Muslim MP, Ed Husic swore in as the Prime Minister’s new parliamentary secretary on the Koran. In 2016 he convinced Anne Aly the second Muslim elected into the Australian Parliament, to do the same. This is the set of principles they are both swearing, as their […]
The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is the second largest inter-governmental organisation after the United Nations (UN). It has a membership of 57 countries, called “member states”, that are spread over four continents including the Palestinian Authority. It meets every year to deliberate over issues of concern to the member states and the […]
In November 1999 Australians through a nationwide Referendum decided NOT to create a Republic. This was a confirmation to the Government that Australians wanted to remain as Australian with an Australian Constitution—we wanted to stay with what we knew. But what the Australian public didn’t know is that our Labor politicians were […]
We learned today that the mosque planning application for Bendigo has been given the go ahead, even though the majority of the town doesn’t want it, wasn’t consulted and a list of planning anomalies that measures nearly one and half metres in length. Justice has not been done. Political correctness […]
George Soros was born in Hungary. His family were non practising Jews and changed their name to assimilate into the gentile population. When Hitler’s henchman, Adolf Eichmann arrived in Hungary to oversee the extermination of the Jews, George Soros ended up working with a man whose job it was to confiscate property […]
We have just been given the details of the post that caused the 10 people behind the infamous “Stop the Mosque in Bendigo” to be banned—some as long as 30 days—from using Facebook. The Admins posted this comment this morning: IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Hi Guys we are back after Facebook […]
The aftermath of the Lindt Cafe Siege birthed Reclaim Australia Rallies. Across the nation thousands of families and patriots came out with flags and posters to voice their concerns about the changing social landscape of Australia. Melbourne Reclaim Rally supported by Danny Nahlia’s Rise Up Australia Party, PDLA and […]
There are many agendas playing out in the Australian political landscape—cultural marxism/socialism, big business, IMF, UN—but just who is looking out for the Australian People? The UN for example is a foreign power that in order to gain relevance requires nations like Australia to reduce our sovereignty and individual power […]
These following opinions were expressed by Malcolm Turnbull in a Q&A session (Mar 1, 2011) on Islamic schools. It shows the complete level of ignorance by Turnbull on the true nature of Islam and the threat of Islam to the free people of Australia. His speech last night in taking over the helm of Australia, displayed that […]
EXTRACT:—From Patriot Report filed with Stop the mosque in Bendigo FB page 30/8/2015 “The drama started when the lefties started to burn an Aussie flag while at the front of the steps of the Town Hall. This was second one they burned for the day. The first one no one could […]
FREEDOM OF SPEECH—Lesson from Africa. TRUE STORY: A white African friend of mine grew up as the only white kid in a black village. While he was at school he was invited by his black school mates to witness their town meeting over community issue. He recounted to a group of us what […]
FACT: The Bendigo Council passed an ILLEGAL planning application for the mosque. VCAT upheld it. 18months in the process and justice to the Bendigo residents was not done. One of the pro-mosque Councillors last year confessed privately, to a local business group that they believed the amount of Bendigo residents against the mosque […]
Dudley Council in England has been in the press this year because of a new application for a mosque. On February 7th of this year the EDL marched on Dudley against the socialist left in protest of this new development. Twenty nine people were arrested as 600 EDL supporters descended on Dudley to […]
In this article we put forward the notions that any charity that supports Sharia—also supports abuse against women—which by our laws means they will need to be stripped of their charitable status. Australian Islamic Mission (AIM), the official backers of the Bendigo mosque, and a charity, not only admits that Sharia is already being practiced in Australia […]
If there was an award for the WORST photo journalism in Australia Bendigo Advertiser would have won it “hands down”. The criteria is not incompetence—it is the deliberate misuse of photography to diminish a person’s standing. This is the real Elise Chapman and these photos were taken this year, one of them just a month […]
Councillor Chapman was the subject of a Conduct Hearing over a controversial tweet of an alleged FGM photograph to a mosque supporter. It was done on a private phone, through a private twitter account, during private hours. After 11 weeks the conduct panel brought down its findings. It appears that the Bendigo Council has […]
THE BACKGROUND: In 2002 the Australian province of Victoria under LABOR, passed the Racial and Religious Tolerance Act. which:- “prohibits conduct that incites hatred, serious contempt, revulsion or severe ridicule of a person or group of people based on religious belief. “ This was a subjective law (“offence” coming from emotions) […]
Since 2007 the most subtle play has been happening in the UN between the Organisation of the Islamic Congress (OIC) countries led by Pakistan and the West (mainly EU and US and allies). What is also becoming apparent is that Western values no longer have the power they once had […]
Islam is a doctrine that orders the lives of millions of Muslims both in their own countries and the West. Throughout the Koran there are 527 verses that talk specifically to Muslims about disbelievers. They give direction on what constitutes a disbeliever, what will happen to them once they die, what their […]
The Halal religious tax on the food which the general population of Australia now consumes, goes to support Islam’s reach into Australia. This text was lifted from the home page of Halal Certification provider ( SICHMA: - communicates with Islamic authorities and Ulema in Muslim countries, - supports both member and non-member […]
Muslims cannot be elected to Govern Australians Section 44 of the Australian Constitution may prevent Muslims from taking political office — on a matter of allegiance. The practice of every Muslim requires the reverent bowing five times a day to a location point outside of Australia to Mecca in […]
Multiculturalism allows for two or more cultures to live together in the same land. The theory is, that eventually they will end up meshing together to form one gigantic happy nation. Yet this has not worked with Islam in any Western nation to date, because of one fact that everyone seems to want […]
Ken Lay, our Police Commissioner, on 3AW has told various groups (paramedics, firefighters and customs officers) to ‘think about safety’ and not to wear their uniforms outside of work, as they may be targets of terrorism. Is anyone else out there incensed by this? Our armed services can no longer […]
Yet another group of people are being asked to cave into Muslim terrorism. This time it is our young army cadets. Eight hours ago The News reported this story ” Young defence cadets warned not to wear uniforms in public amid terrorism fears—MELBOURNE schools are instructing defence cadets as young as 13 […]
Since 2007 the most subtle play has been happening in the UN between the Organisation of the Islamic Congress (OIC) countries led by Pakistan and the West (mainly EU and US and allies). What is also becoming apparent is that Western values no longer have the power they once had […]
AUSTRALIA UNDER ISLAM in 25 yearsThe Islamic Party of Australia Hizb-ut Tahrir have openly posted this draft Islamic Constitution of Australia. They claimed on its release to the public that it would take 25 years before Australia will be under Islamic rule.Every mosque just brings that closer. THE ISLAMIC CONSITUTION […]
Around 888AD King Alfred the great, a Bible believing Christian, declared that the law of England to be “the 10 commandments read in the light of the whole Bible”. For England the final say always rested with the king. He was regarded as God’s representative on earth and charged with the […]