If only the attack on our Sovereignty came from another country, we could deal with it as a nation. Unfortunately we have been white-anted by successive Communist and Socialist leaders that have sought to follow agendas that are at odds with the interests of the people of Australia.
This is a lengthy article that will cover our sovereignty and how successive leaders have stolen Australia and its assets from the people of Australia and undermined the Constitution of the Commonwealth. The latter is has a criminal charge—it is called “treachery” according to the Crimes Act 24AA and comes with a
Life Sentence. Charges of treason can and need to be laid against those Prime Ministers and Premiers for their part of this theft.
From Colony to Global recognition
“Many people incorrectly assume that Australia became a fully independent and sovereign nation on January 1st 1901 with Federation. Actually, Australia was created as a “self governing colony” under section 8 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900, an Act of British Parliament that contains the entire Constitution of Australia under its 9th section.
After Federation, in fact, the constitutional position of the Commonwealth of Australia was just the same as it had been for the individual colonies prior to Federation. At least to begin, the Commonwealth of Australia was an amalgamation and a trade pact rather than a declaration of sovereignty.
The Constitution did provide the Commonwealth with the powers associated with a sovereign state, but the United Kingdom still retained the power to make laws for Australia and to overturn laws made by the Australian Parliament. It used them too and was, to begin, very active in engaging in foreign affairs on behalf of Australia. For many years, for instance, Australia was represented by the United Kingdom as part of the British Empire at international conferences.
The Constitution also provided that the British monarch be represented in Australia by a Governor-General who was originally appointed on the advice of the British, not the Australian, government. The early Governor Generals were agents for the British government and were usually members of the British aristocracy.
The Commonwealth of Australia became more independent in the aftermath of the Great War, a war in which Australia suffered 60,000 casualties fighting for the British Imperial forces. In 1919, under Prime Minister Billy Hughes, Australia demanded and was reluctantly offered a place at the table at the Paris Peace Conference.
The 1919 Treaty of Versailles was, indeed, the first time Australia had ever signed an international treaty. In negotiations, Hughes demanded and gained Australian representation in the League of Nations and significant reparations from Germany.
This was the first political treaty signed by Australian officials, and the first negotiated with direct participation by Australian government delegates. This was a major step in the recognition of Australia as an independent entity in international law.
At the time, treaties were regarded as either ‘political’ (mainly concerning relations between governments) or ‘commercial’ (mostly concerning the treatment of private persons or interests, particularly as regards business). Prior to 1919 the Australian Government was frequently not even consulted regarding political treaties, which were signed by Britain for its Dominions.
With the other three British Dominions, Australia was among the 32 signatories of the Treaty, and a founding member of the League of Nations it established. This newly defined status is indicated in the list of nations on page 18 of the Treaty, where the names of Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa are indented under the ‘British Empire’. The Treaty recognised a new status for these nations among all the colonies of Great Britain, as only fully self-governing nations could be members of the League of Nations. The League of Nations became the precursor of the United Nations to which Australia became a signatory in 1945.
Australia gained further nationhood in 1927 with the British Parliament legislating into effect the Balfour Declaration, which had been made at a British Imperial Conference in 1926. Britain and dominion leaders agreed that all dominions should have their own realms with a shared Crown. Interestingly, it did not provide for a separate title Queen of Australia and, indeed, up until 1953, she had the same title in Australia as she did in Britain, which was “Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”.
The Statute of Westminster was passed by British Parliament in 1931, which prevented the British Parliament to make laws for its dominions except where it was required by that dominion’s own laws. Australia used this avenue to pass laws several times over the course of the 20th Century, mainly to acquire external territories.
Though it had achieved some legislative equality to Britain, Australia still submitted to British command of its armed forces. Matters finally came to head in mid-February 1942, when Curtin asked for Australia’s experienced 6th and 7th Divisions to return from Africa to defend Australia in the South Pacific. Churchill instead demanded they be sent to Burma to defend British interests there. Finally, after a furious flurry of cables in the dead of night, Curtin managed to get the Australian troops to steam back to Perth. Australia’s military now finally answered to Australian, rather than British, leadership.
Australia becomes a world player
Labor’s instigation of Australia as a founding member of the United Nations was significant. Under Labor’s Prime Minister John Curtin, Australia became a founding member of the United Nations and also the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
Then Labor PM Ben Chifley’s External Affairs Minister, Herbert Evatt played a crucial role in the creation of the United Nations, and famously chaired the UN General Assembly in 1948-49. He presided over the adoption and proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”(1)
Evatt was a Communist who later became leader of the Australia Labor Party. His founding influence in the United Nations cemented the relationship between the Australian Labor Party’s successive Prime Ministers and the U.N.
Gough Whitlam in 1975 signed the disastrous Lima Declaration that lead to the economic practice now known as “globalisation”.
The basic reasoning behind the Lima Declaration was that the plight of the Third World was a direct result of the rapacious policies of the advanced industrial nations — Australia listed as one of these. The only way to rectify the situation was to transfer industrial resources from the advanced to the Third World, then to provide markets for Third World exports by buying products once produced locally.
The following are the MAIN recommendations of the Lima Declaration:
(35) “That special attention should be given to the least developed countries, which should enjoy a net transfer of resources from the developed countries in the form of technical and financial resources as well as capital goods, to enable the least developed countries in conformity with the policies and plans for development, to accelerate their industrialisation.” (REDUCE our industry and farming sectors—treason)
(43) “That the developing countries should fully and effectively participate in the international decision making process on international monetary questions in accordance with the existing and evolving rules of the competent bodies and share equitably in the benefits resulting therefrom” (Hawke allowed foreign banking into Australia as a result)
(59) “The developed countries should adopt the following measures:”
(a) “Progressive elimination or reduction of tariff and non-tariff barriers and other obstacles of trade, …(take away tariffs, render our manufacturing and farming uncompetitive due to cost of wages )
(b) “Adoption of trade measures designed to ensure INCREASED exports of manufactured and semi manufactured products including processed agricultural products from the developing to the developed countries” ( import food from overseas, cripple our farming sector)
(c) “…encourage their industries which are LESS COMPETITIVE internationally to move progressively into more viable lines of production or into other sectors of the economy,…” (no farm or industry subsidies)
(d) “Consideration by the developed countries of their policies with respect to processed and semi processed forms of raw materials, taking full account of the interests of the developing countries in increasing their capacities and industrial potentials for processing raw materials which they export” (don’t process stuff here, send our resources overseas, buy back semi-processed at increased cost.)
(e) “Increased financial contributions to international organisations and to government or credit institutions in the developing countries…” (underwrite development banks like AIIB and foreign aid contributions )(6)

RESULT: More than 70% of Australia’s manufacturing capacity and agricultural businesses was destroyed in the ensuing years. In 1970 estimates numbered Australian farmers at around 300,000. The Agricultural Census for 2015-16 found there were only 85,681 agricultural businesses across Australia.
Globalisation has literally crippled Australian farming and agricultural sectors as well as the economy. From surplus economies Australia now suffers a massive trade deficit. May 2018’s “Debt Clock” showed the total of Australian debt as $3.5 trillion of which $800 billion is Government Debt.
Communist China in the 70’s was considered a third world country. Today it is becoming an economic super power and major beneficiary of this UN wealth redistribution. This week the Chinese Government made the news by threatening Australian exports because it didn’t appreciate the tone of Australia media reports against its rapacious buying up of Australian assets. The Oppressed is now becoming the Oppressor.
Last year Australia committed $8.7 million into underpinning the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank for international development. It is just more of the same United Nations Lima Declaration influencing Australian foreign policy and spending.
(The signing of the Lima Agreement by Prime Minister Gough Whitlam, a Fabian Socialist, was nothing short of treason against the Australian people. Benefit for the Australian economy and sovereignty is…ZERO.)
Separating Australia from the United Kingdom by title
In December 1952, Commonwealth leaders discussed changing to the format of the Queen’s title. Canada wanted it to be less British: “Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, Queen of [Realm] and of Her other realms and territories, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.”
Australia, under the devotedly monarchist Prime Minister Robert Menzies, insisted that the United Kingdom also be included in the title. Australia legislated this into Australia law through the Royal Styles and Titles Act 1953 and the Queen became known here as the Queen of the United Kingdom and Australia.
Not until Fabian Socialist’s Gough Whitlam’s Labor government came to power in 1972 were moves made to remove all references to the United Kingdom in the Queen’s title. Elizabeth Windsor became styled in this country as Queen of Australia, with her greater title: Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God Queen of Australia and Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth’. (1)
Separating Australia from the United Kingdom by Act of Parliament
In 1986, The Fabian Socialist Labor Prime Minister of Australia, Bob Hawke, asked the British Parliament to pass the Australia Act, which effectively terminated the ability of the British Parliament to make laws for Australia or its States, even at their request. It also broke the right of appeal from our Australian courts to the British Privy Council.
Changing the Constitution—Constitution Arrangements—according to our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act requires a public Referendum. There was no public Referendum to make way for the Australia Act.
The way Bob Hawke got around this in his Appeal to the British Government was to have each individual state of Australia pass the Australia Act separately, claiming that this constituted a united appeal to the UK Parliament.
The Australia Act was simultaneously presented to the UK and to Australia in 1986. These nearly identical Acts were passed by the two parliaments, because of uncertainty as to which of the two had the ultimate authority to do so. The Acts came into effect simultaneously. Assent from the UK was given because of this approach…but it should not have been as the Australia Act was illegal and invalid on more than one account.
Why the Australia Act was illegal and treacherous
Changes to Constitution Arrangements can’t be done without the consent of the people. There was NO REFERENDUM. Each State knowingly passed the Australia Act instead of putting it to general Referendum. Attempting to pass the Australia Act without going to Referendum went against the Crimes Act 1914 Section 24AA—overthrowing the Commonwealth.
Bob Hawke and all the state Premiers conspired against the Australian people in passing the Australia Act though their state Parliaments. Bob Hawke, his labor Premiers Neville Wran, Barrie Unsworth, John Bannon, John Cain, and Brian Burke, as well as Liberal Robin Gray became criminals against Australian people.
The Country Party’s (later the National Party) Premier of Queensland, Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen, did something really interesting. He created prior legislation requiring that any Act that would change the Commonwealth towards a Republic needed to go to a Referendum of the Queensland people. As the passing of the Australia Act through the Queensland Parliament failed to go to referendum, the Australia Act for Queensland was rendered null and void by Petersen’s previous legislation.
Hawke actually didn’t have that 100% mandate for the Australia Act in having uniform assent from all the States. Queensland’s requirement for a Referendum rendered Queensland’s Parliamentary assent invalid. This fact was kept from the British Parliament also.
The 1986 Australia Act —the concerning excerpts for ALL Australians:
PREAMBLE: An Act to bring constitutional arrangements affecting the Commonwealth and the States into conformity with the status of the Commonwealth of Australia as a sovereign, independent and federal nation.
(All Constitutional arrangements must be brought before the people according to our Constitution in the form of a Referendum. This was not done—therefore the Australia Act was simply illegal.)
2. (1) It is hereby declared and enacted that the legislative powers of the Parliament of each State include full power to make laws for the peace, order and good government of that State that have extra-territorial operation.
(Gives full power back to the States which undermines the Commonwealth—making this is repugnant to the Commonwealth Constitutional Act, INVALID, ILLEGAL—and a Act of Treachery by Hawke and the Premiers).
5. Sections 2 and 3 (2) above— (a) are subject to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act and to the Constitution of the Commonwealth; and (b) do not operate so as to give any force or effect to a provision of an Act of the Parliament of a State that would repeal, amend or be repugnant to this Act, the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act, the Constitution of the Commonwealth or the Statute of Westminster 1931 as amended and in force from time to time.
(Disbanding the Commonwealth and giving full powers back to the States IS REPUGNANT to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act. In its own wording the Australia Act rendered the Act invalid)
7:2 Her Majesty’s representative in each State shall be the Governor. (2) Subject to subsections (3) and (4) below, all powers and functions of Her Majesty in respect of a State are exercisable only by the Governor of the State. (3)
(The Catch 22—The Queens Representative is the Governor and once he’s signed the bill she can’t do anything about it. This stops the Queen appealing any Act of Parliament…also against Section 59 of our Constitution.)
8. An Act of the Parliament of a State that has been assented to by the Governor of the State shall not, after the commencement of this Act, be subject to disallowance by Her Majesty, nor shall its operation be suspended pending the signification of Her Majesty’s pleasure thereon.
(Stops the Queen negating any laws and against the Australian Constitution. Under section 59 of the Constitution, she has the power to disallow any Australian law within a year of its enactment on appeal from the Australian People.)
10. After the commencement of this Act Her Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom shall have no responsibility for the government of any State.
(Takes away all legislative power from the UK.)
11…no appeal to Her Majesty in Council lies or shall be brought, whether by leave or special leave of any court or of Her Majesty in Council or otherwise, and whether by virtue of any Act of Australia Act 1986 Page 6 of 9 4 Australia No. , 1985 the Parliament of the United Kingdom, the Royal Prerogative or otherwise, from or in respect of any decision of an Australian court.
(Stops our Courts appealing to the UK to overturn any laws made by the States.)
READ IN FULL HERE: https://www.foundingdocs.gov.au/resources/transcripts/cth17_doc_1986.pdf
All Constitutional Arrangements must be subject to a referendum. The Australia Act by its own wording in Section 5 was rendered invalid and illegal. The Will of the People was ignored and Democracy was undermined by the 1986 Australia Act and then the High Court did this.
The High Court in Sue v Hill was an Australian court case decided in the High Court of Australia on 23 June 1999. It concerned a dispute over the apparent return of a candidate, Heather Hill, to the Australian Senate in the 1998 federal election. Heather Hill was a dual citizen of The United Kingdom. The High Court found that, at least for the purposes of section 44(i), the United Kingdom is a foreign power to Australia.
The Precedent was set, the United Kingdom according to the High Court was now “a foreign power” as a result of the Australia Act and in accordance with section 44 of the Constitution.
But the deception didn’t end there. The Australia Act divided our nation back into States. Why did they do this? Our rights and liberties were well entrenched. There was no need for it.
Labor PM Bob Hawke, in an address to the Fabian Society in 1947 talked about a Socialist agenda to Nationalise Banking. Which couldn’t happen because of the Australian Constitution—Section 92. He said it required “rethinking of our approach”. (9)
Constitution Section 92—” trade, commerce, and intercourse among the States, whether by means of internal carriage or ocean navigation, shall be absolutely free”. The Fabian Socialists could not interfere with trade and commerce with the way our Constitution stood. The plans to undermine our Constitution didn’t start in 1986, it started back in the 40s.
The Illegal Australia Act prepared the way for those politicians with a Socialist agenda to make Australia a Republic. Once a Republic, the way would be opened to make those changes to the Australian Constitution through the introduction of a new Constitution of the Australian Republic.
REFERENDUM: The Australian People vote on becoming a Republic
Though initially started by Labor Leader, Paul Keating a Referendum was eventually put to the people to become a Republic and to change the pre-amble to the Constitution in 1999 by Liberal PM, John Howard in his first term in office.
Two questions were put to the people in the 1999 Referendum:
Republic question
Electors were asked whether they approved of:
A proposed law: To alter the Constitution to establish the Commonwealth of Australia as a republic with the Queen and Governor-General being replaced by a President appointed by a two-thirds majority of the members of the Commonwealth Parliament.
Alter the Preamble to the Constitution
Electors were also asked to vote on a second question at the 1999 referendum which asked whether they approved of:
A proposed law: To alter the Constitution to insert a preamble.
The preamble would then have read
- With hope in God, the Commonwealth of Australia is constituted as a democracy with a federal system of government to serve the common good.
- We the Australian people commit ourselves to this Constitution:
- proud that our national unity has been forged by Australians from many ancestries;
- never forgetting the sacrifices of all who defended our country and our liberty in time of war;
- upholding freedom, tolerance, individual dignity and the rule of law;
- honouring Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, the nation’s first people, for their deep kinship with their lands and for their ancient and continuing cultures which enrich the life of our country;
- recognising the nation-building contribution of generations of immigrants;
- mindful of our responsibility to protect our unique natural environment;
- supportive of achievement as well as equality of opportunity for all;
- and valuing independence as dearly as the national spirit which binds us together in both adversity and success.
The people voted a resounding NO. Even though this was one of the most highly propagandised YES campaigns by the Australian media.
The 1999 Referendum clearly voted to not replace the Queen or The Crown—the people had spoken.
The Australia Act at this point should have been scrapped. Instead the successive Fabian Socialist Prime Ministers (Hawke and Keating) turned to Corporations Law and got around the Constitution of the Commonwealth another way.
“Stealth Law-making” using Reprints Act 1992.
The Queensland Reprints Act 1992 was used by Labor to enable State Parliaments to rewrite Acts, to print and change laws. Introduced by Premier Wayne Goss in Queensland, The Reprints Act of 1992 allowed for changes to be made to legislation without assent. It also allowed for retrospective changes be made to past legislation and changes to mask our Constitution using Reprints. (Watch the video)
Providing the changes in the Reprints were detailed, any law could be changed and the onus of discovering the change was on the Courts. So the Government could introduced a change, leave a trail, and by virtue of it being reprinted those changes then became law.
The Reprints Act used the power given to the States in The Australia Act to effectively undermine and mask the Australian Constitution using state legislation.
Queensland creates an invalid 2001 Constitution
In Queensland the Labor Party under Fabian Socialist Premier—Peter Beattie—used the power granted to the State though the Australia Act to “modernise” the Queensland Constitution and prepare Queensland for corporate Statehood.
Firstly the revisions in the new 2001 Queensland Constitution removed the need for State Government to seek Referendums on all Constitutional changes. (Commonwealth legislation according to the Commonwealth Australian Constitution Act trumps all State legislation at odds with it. The changes to the new 2001 Queensland Constitution by removing referendums made it like The Australia Act 1986—repugnant to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act and rendered the new Constitution 2001 invalid. But like the Australia Act 1986 no one has challenged either pieces of invalid Legislation.)
The New Queensland 2001 Constitution also stealthily replaced the Crown with the “State” and changed the State into an Individual. In the 1999 Referendum 66% of Queenslanders voting to retain the Crown. The Constitution 2001 was against the will of the people. It was all done underhandedly using The Reprints Acts and this was just the beginning.
The BRIGALOW CORPORATION and private land ownership
1. During the early 1990’s all important and relevant Acts were changed and framed, but were adjourned without a definite date of reprinting.
2. On 3 December 2001, the Queensland Constitution 2001 came into being.
3. On this day, this ACT became the “Fundamental Law of QLD”.
4. 7 June 2002, all the framed Acts were reprinted and became law.
5. QLD then became, at the completion of these matters, without the assent of any of the laws by the Crown or Her Representative, an independent sovereign State and fractured the common law and the separation of powers in that state.
6. 15 July 2002, The Corporations (Q) Act 1990 (Q) Reprint No 3 created in QLD a Corporate Government.
The State of Queensland Australia (the reason why the state was made an individual) is registered with the US Securities and Exchange Commissions under No. 0001244818.
7. The Queensland Treasury Corp (the reason why the state was made an individual) is registered under No. 0000852555.
8. The old crowns lands act (Qld) was converted to the Land Act 1994 (Qld), and at section 4(1) the Land Administration Commission was renamed Brigalow Corporation.
9. The Land Act 1994 – Reprint No 10c, Part 7A, Section 506C states that the Corporation (Brigalow Corp) represents the Crown.
10. Culminating in the Beattie Govt introduction of the QLD Constitution 2001, QLD government administrations had reworked backward every piece of Federal and state legislation, removing any connection to and mention of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, British law and the Royal Seal of England.
11. These acts were then reworked forward, replacing the removed elements with the Queen of Australia (as created by the Whitlam Govt in 1973) and the Great Seal of both Australia and QLD.
12. This means that the legislation contained in those acts are now “governed” by the government of those Seals, not the government of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution 1900.
What Labor had effectively done was turn Queensland into a corporation and stolen it away from “we the people” and from under the Australian Constitution”. It is grand theft!
13. The Australia Waste Lands Act 1855 was reprinted in 1996 under the Seal of QLD, and because the Queen of Australia was also now sealed with the Seal of QLD, this effectively created a QLD “ownership” of all Crown land in Australia.
14. And as the introduction of the Corporations (Q) Act 1900 (Q) Reprint No 3 had created a Corporate Govt, this effectively meant all Crown land “ownership” was now under the control of the Qld Corporation, known as the Brigalow Corp.
The Premier is the Chief Officer of the Brigalow Corporation.
15. All Crown land, assets and infrastructure in Australia including schools, hospitals, roads, etc are subject to and responsible to the Ministers of the State of QLD as cited at Chapter III of the QLD Constitution 2001.
16. All Sovereign People are now persons under the Corporation, All persons are chattel ( a piece of property that is moveable).
17. Their land, bank accounts and all items of ownership are now assets under the Brigalow Corporation.
18. The Supreme Court, the District Courts and the Magistrate’s Courts are now inside the Parliament of the State of QLD, and as such must obey the QLD Constitution 2001.
19. The Australian Constitution, the Common Law & Equity, the High Court and the Federal Government no longer have any superior governance over the State of QLD.
The Judiciary, the Constitution and the Governor are now under control of the State. The people no longer have access to the High Court. The federal Government and Australian Constitution no longer has any superior Governance over Queensland. Queensland officially left the Commonwealth of Australia….and without one Referendum on the matter.
20. The State of QLD and the Sovereign People of QLD have only Civil and Statute Law in this state.
21. As private ownership can not exist under Civil and Statute Law, all private equity and inheritance in the State is now the property of “the State”. (8)
Invalid legislation like the Australia Act and the Queensland Constitution 2001 and subsequent reprints must be challenged. Indeed what these pieces of legislation amount to is treason against the Australian people and our Constitution. All those involved need to accountable to the Crimes Act 1914 Section 24AA
24AA Treachery (1) A person shall not: (a) do any act or thing with intent: (i) to overthrow the Constitution of the Commonwealth by revolution or sabotage.
Prime Minsters Whitlam, Hawke, Keating for their involvement in the Australia Act and subsequent illegal legislation. For passing the Australia Act though their Parliaments: Premiers Neville Wran, Barrie Unsworth, John Bannon, John Cain, Brian Burke and Robin Gray.
Peter Bettie for Creating the 2001 Queensland Constitution and subsequent Reprints.
Penalty for treachery: Imprisonment for life….(and removal of all Pensions and benefits).
The further undermining of the Australian Sovereignty by the United Nations
The United Nations represents an equal threat to the undermining of the Constitution of the Commonwealth. Consider this entreaty from Peter Farris, QC.
“We are preparing to abdicate our Australian sovereignty to “law” made by the United Nations… A greater attack on national sovereignty is hard to imagine. A prime and current example is global warming. The propagation of this fraud by the Left constitutes a major attack on capitalism. Rich countries will be obliged to bankrupt their industries and economies, to the great benefit of so-called poor countries like China and India. In the end, the aim is to bring the US [and Australia] to its knees…….. The Left do not want to have Australian laws for Australia. They want UN laws. This, of course, removes Australian sovereignty.
Instead of Australians making their own laws, the laws are imported (as some sort of universal truths) from the UN. The ultimate aim, which will be achieved, is that every UN covenant is legislated into law in Australia.
The practical effect is that the UN becomes our supreme legislative body. And these laws will be supervised by the unelected judges who can effectively strike down any legislation of the duly elected Parliaments……
From the point of view of sovereignty, the United Nations has no legitimacy—in fact, it is in direct contradiction to the concept of sovereignty. It is one thing for Australians to make their own laws, it is quite another for the UN—an unelected body, a collection of states including some of the worst in the world—to be deciding what laws are so universal that they should be imposed upon the Australian people…And we can be absolutely certain that our socialist federal Government, in the great tradition of socialists and communists, will seek to destroy our Australian sovereignty in favour of UN dogma……
In summary, my complaint is this. We introduced into Australia, as legislated domestic law, various UN Covenants. These replace parts of our own law as we know it. The introduction of these laws acknowledges their moral superiority—they are universal laws and must be obeyed. Our sovereignty is diminished by the fact that these superior laws are the product of an unelected body outside of Australia. Australia and Australians have demonstrated that they are perfectly capable of creating a just legal system arising from our national sovereignty. This is now denied. The acceptance of UN Covenants is an acceptance of the correctness of that denial.”—Peter Farris QC. (2)
The United Nations undermines our Sovereignty by creating legislation that appears in our statutes without assent from the people of Australia.
Without a Referendum, every PM that has ever signed a UN Agreement is now party to this undermining:
John Curtin - Signatory to the United Nations (aligned us to a foreign power without a referendum);
Robert Menzies - UN Refugee Convention (Stopped Equality at law—introducing “cultural considerations”)
Gough Whitlam - Lima Declaration (Sabotaged our manufacturing and farming sectors)
Malcolm Fraser - UN Human Rights Charter (Allowed UNHCR and Muslim migration)
Malcolm Turnbull - Climate Change Conference (Skyrocketing energy costs to meet targets not set by us)
We must start making our Parliamentarians and leaders accountable to we the people and our Constitution.
Time to Drain Our Swamp and take back our Parliaments don’t you think?
- http://www.abc.net.au/news/2010-12-07/australia27s_last_brick_of_nationhood/41892
- http://www.galileomovement.com.au/docs/gw/UNsolutions_or_OZsolutions.pdf
- https://www.foundingdocs.gov.au/resources/transcripts/cth17_doc_1986.pdf
- https://www.foundingdocs.gov.au/item-sdid-94.html
- https://www.foundingdocs.gov.au/item-sdid-99.html
- http://www.ironbarkresources.com/articles/phillips20050300.htm
- http://www.australiandebtclock.com.au/
- http://peopleofthecommonwealth.blogspot.com.au/2010/01/overview-of-brigalow-corp-takeover-of.html
- https://pmtranscripts.pmc.gov.au/release/transcript-6396