“For some time my husband worked at the [Manus Island Detention] centre. He, his former work colleagues, local staff, female and male were subjected to violent assaults and even assaults of a sexual nature on a daily basis; with my husband having been assaulted DOZENS of times. The staff there […]
Yearly Archives: 2017
Ministers with question marks over their citizenship should not be voting on ANY further legislation. By voting they are knowingly voting illegally and destabilising our entire Parliamentary System. They are thwarting our democratic process and their actions should be regarded as subversive in light of their trusted public position. Indeed the Attorney General, needs […]
As a society we have developed a communication rating system—to protect our children from being exposed to uncomfortable and even traumatic viewing. Our “PG” , “M” and “R” viewer-safety rating system applies equally to the content of movies, documentaries, news and ads. Over the weekend a “NO” ad was censored from […]
Many think this issue of Same Sex Marriage is about gay love—it is NOT. This is a massive power play between the Government and families over the control of your children. The family unit has always been the strongest bond in any society. To destabilise it, and take away the […]
Muhammad’s immediate legacy—548 Jihad battles, over 1 million European slaves taken to the Middle East. 16 battles crusades by the West to stop the Islamic Caliphate expansion by followers of Muhammad. Millions upon millions dead. In 732 A.D., the Muslim Army, moving on Paris, was defeated at Tours, France, by Charles […]
Another Australian Embassy is putting Muslims first. This time it is the Australian Embassy in Amman, Jordon. The reason we know this is that a family member has contacted an Australian patriot page with their story who then became a witness to the blocking of this Christian family by embassy staff.
“Safe Schools” so called “anti-bullying” program has introduced a tipping point into our society that every parent needs to consider very carefully. For the first time under the guise of “caring”, parents are being denied the right to decide what is good for their children. Regardless of the content of the actual […]
The Finsbury Retribution attack by an Englishman mounting a footpath and driving at Muslims was a game changer for the West. It is the first time a westerner used terror tactics against Muslims. Nor was it surprising that the perpetrator, Father-of-four, Darren Osborne, after being apprehended by those at the scene, […]
When Multiculturalism was adopted as a policy for Australia three commonsense limitations were placed on the Policy to safeguard Australians from abuse. This documentation was readily available on the Government website up to 2014. However the page can no longer be found. (The link was http://www.immi.gov.au/media/publications/multicultural/agenda/agenda89/whatismu.htm.) Fortunately the content of those limitations has been preserved as follows.
Ramadan is a Muslim month of sacrifice. According to Islamic practice, sacrifice during Ramadan can be considered more valuable than that made at other times, so a call to martyrdom during the month has more allure to some Muslims during this time. ISIS also declared itself a Caliphate during Ramadan on […]
The Immigration Department listed on their website the following values as being the societal values of Australia. A direct comparison of Islamic values to Australian values shows an incompatibility that must question the suitability of any immigrants followers of Islam. The Islamic values are taken from the Cairo Declaration signed by 58 […]
This infamous picture taken on the bridge shows a Muslim female walking past the carnage with her hand shielding her vision and her eyes fixed firmly on her phone. Islam has a morality code vastly different to the West, formed from its foundations in the Qu’ran, Hadiths and Sharia. Her behaviour and the silence of Muslims […]
“Multiculturalism” assumes that our laws, social framework, technology and amenities will create such a welcoming and friendly atmosphere that all people will assimilate with us —because of our “superior” lifestyle. The problem with this view is that it overlooks the dynamic effect religion plays in people’s lives. It also denies […]
There is a reason why the majority of Australians are feeling voiceless in their own society. There is a violation to our freedoms that is being committed by multiculturalists in our government bodies… using “religious freedom”. In 1982 the subject of Religion in Australia was investigated by the Supreme Court in Victoria over a case […]
When Thomas Jefferson saw there was no negotiating with Muslim pirate overlords, he formed what is now the Marines (sea going soldiers). These Marines were attached to U. S. Merchant vessels. When the Muslims attacked U.S. merchant vessels they were repulsed by armed soldiers, but there is more. The Marines […]
Now that ISIS have officially declared war on the Egyptian Copts we must place Christians from Egypt as a priority to be considered for refugee settlement. The threats from Islamic militants are not hollow. Anti-Islam pages in Australia have had numerous photos passed onto them of murdered Christian Copts in recent days […]
Four shocking cases have surfaced in the past two weeks that are telling ordinary Australians that our immigration system is compromised and needs serious overhaul. It appears that if you are Christian and male in particular you are on your own. Australia only caters to victimised Muslim females and their families.
The Silent Majority are now awake You created “us” when you attacked our freedom of speech. You created “us” when you referred to us as racists. You created “us” when you attacked our Christian beliefs. You created “us” when you called us xenophobic. You created “us” when you forced us […]
(This RANT was shared to a Facebook page EXPOSING ISLAM on 14/Jan/2017—Admins on Facebook are becoming frustrated being banned continuously for going against FaceBook’s “Community Standards”…even when what they are posting is the complete truth. Facebook has becoming the most “useful” Religious Police for Islam. As many posts “disappear off timelines, this […]
Propaganda Islam: If you give me your children then you give me your country. Islam propaganda is here to deceive the West. ISIS is a pure Islam and Muslims in the WEST are deceiving our women and children about Islam. No mosque would ever be built in the West if we the […]