We learned today that the mosque planning application for Bendigo has been given the go ahead, even though the majority of the town doesn’t want it, wasn’t consulted and a list of planning anomalies that measures nearly one and half metres in length. Justice has not been done. Political correctness […]
The aftermath of the Lindt Cafe Siege birthed Reclaim Australia Rallies. Across the nation thousands of families and patriots came out with flags and posters to voice their concerns about the changing social landscape of Australia. Melbourne Reclaim Rally supported by Danny Nahlia’s Rise Up Australia Party, PDLA and […]
EXTRACT:—From Patriot Report filed with Stop the mosque in Bendigo FB page 30/8/2015 “The drama started when the lefties started to burn an Aussie flag while at the front of the steps of the Town Hall. This was second one they burned for the day. The first one no one could […]
FREEDOM OF SPEECH—Lesson from Africa. TRUE STORY: A white African friend of mine grew up as the only white kid in a black village. While he was at school he was invited by his black school mates to witness their town meeting over community issue. He recounted to a group of us what […]
FACT: The Bendigo Council passed an ILLEGAL planning application for the mosque. VCAT upheld it. 18months in the process and justice to the Bendigo residents was not done. One of the pro-mosque Councillors last year confessed privately, to a local business group that they believed the amount of Bendigo residents against the mosque […]
Dudley Council in England has been in the press this year because of a new application for a mosque. On February 7th of this year the EDL marched on Dudley against the socialist left in protest of this new development. Twenty nine people were arrested as 600 EDL supporters descended on Dudley to […]
In this article we put forward the notions that any charity that supports Sharia—also supports abuse against women—which by our laws means they will need to be stripped of their charitable status. Australian Islamic Mission (AIM), the official backers of the Bendigo mosque, and a charity, not only admits that Sharia is already being practiced in Australia […]
If there was an award for the WORST photo journalism in Australia Bendigo Advertiser would have won it “hands down”. The criteria is not incompetence—it is the deliberate misuse of photography to diminish a person’s standing. This is the real Elise Chapman and these photos were taken this year, one of them just a month […]
Councillor Chapman was the subject of a Conduct Hearing over a controversial tweet of an alleged FGM photograph to a mosque supporter. It was done on a private phone, through a private twitter account, during private hours. After 11 weeks the conduct panel brought down its findings. It appears that the Bendigo Council has […]
The following is from a speech given in the Dutch Parliament by Machiel de Graaf, a member of Geert Wilders’s Party for Freedom (Partij voor de Vrijheid, PVV). Transcript Without Islam, the Netherlands would be a wonderful country. I have heard very few speakers yet on this subject, […]
Summary. The Australian Islamic Mission (AIM), formerly Jamaat Daawah Islamiah, was established in 1973. It operated out of rented premises first in Lakemba then on Canterbury Road in Revesby. Australian Islamic Mission (Punchbowl Mosque) is behind the Bendigo Mosque. The Security Report details support for the Muslim Brotherhood, Hizb-ut Tahrir, the Caliphate […]
Muslims cannot be elected to Govern Australians Section 44 of the Australian Constitution may prevent Muslims from taking political office — on a matter of allegiance. The practice of every Muslim requires the reverent bowing five times a day to a location point outside of Australia to Mecca in […]
This is the original set of Planning Concerns served on the Council one week prior to the 18th June 2014 Public Meeting where they passed the Planning Application for proposed Bendigo mosque. The Planning Application granted by the Council that night had expired and was fraudulent. The Environmental Report was […]
What Bendigo Papers wont tell residents about the new Bendigo Council Residential Strategy is the long-term cost to ALL White Hills home-owners. The 2013-17 City og Greater Bendigo’s Residential Planning Development Strategy has called for vacant land in the populated belt of Bendigo to be rezoned as residential. Owners of large parcels […]