“A man sees his enemy before him. By the light of his candle he marks his insidious approach. His enemy looks fierce and black upon him, and is seeking his life. The man puts out the candle, and then exclaims, “I am now quite at peace.” This is what happened […]
THE LATEST PEW RESEARCH ON MUSLIMS IN THE UNITED STATES: Pew Research (2017): US MUSLIMS 17% support for extremism (terrorism) within the American Muslim community; 14% justify targeting and killing civilians in order to further a political, social or religious cause; 75% of Muslim Americans feel a strong sense of […]
The Finsbury Retribution attack by an Englishman mounting a footpath and driving at Muslims was a game changer for the West. It is the first time a westerner used terror tactics against Muslims. Nor was it surprising that the perpetrator, Father-of-four, Darren Osborne, after being apprehended by those at the scene, […]
Ramadan is a Muslim month of sacrifice. According to Islamic practice, sacrifice during Ramadan can be considered more valuable than that made at other times, so a call to martyrdom during the month has more allure to some Muslims during this time. ISIS also declared itself a Caliphate during Ramadan on […]
The Silent Majority are now awake You created “us” when you attacked our freedom of speech. You created “us” when you referred to us as racists. You created “us” when you attacked our Christian beliefs. You created “us” when you called us xenophobic. You created “us” when you forced us […]
Propaganda Islam: If you give me your children then you give me your country. Islam propaganda is here to deceive the West. ISIS is a pure Islam and Muslims in the WEST are deceiving our women and children about Islam. No mosque would ever be built in the West if we the […]
(Archived to VIDEOS: Islam affecting the West) 20. PBR: Homegrown Jihad-Terrorist Camps Around The U.S. (35 mins) The explosive documentary that exposes the secret Islamic terrorist camps in America. With never-before-seen footage of terrorist compounds in America.