Since 2007 the most subtle play has been happening in the UN between the Organisation of the Islamic Congress (OIC) countries led by Pakistan and the West (mainly EU and US and allies). What is also becoming apparent is that Western values no longer have the power they once had […]
HUMAN RIGHTS AND ISLAM UN Declaration of Human Rights concerns the inherent dignity and equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family, for all peoples and all nations. Saudi Arabia, did not sign the UN declaration of Human Rights in 1948, arguing that it violated Islamic law. […]
Islam consists of roughly 84% Sunnis, 15% Shiites and 1% unorthodox. Sunni Muslims believe anyone can rule as long as they have adequate knowledge of the Quran, Shia Muslims however believe that only the blood-descendants of Muhammed can rule. - Wahhabis (Saudi) are a stricter fundamental form of Sunni Islam […]
Today’s news headlines report that there were 40,000 male and female divorcees in Iran last year, adding to the 25% of marriages ending in divorce. Unlike in the West however, females can only initiate divorce proceedings with the husband’s permission. Divorces are mostly frowned on in Islam. In Islamic cultures only the male […]
In Western and Islamic countries alike, children are exempt from real forms of punishment until they are adults. However, because Muhammad—the perfect man—considered his wife Aisha at the age of nine was indeed mature enough to consummate his marriage to her, that age of maturity for females has now been set into law […]
A survey was conducted on 2,106 mosques over a ten year period by CAIR. To gauge the attitude of mosque leaders in the USA and how they interpret Islam the survey offered four categories of increasing conservatism. Understanding the results for the US. What we see over the ten years is an […]
There is now a way that foreign Governments can own Australian land—but they need Australian Dhimmis to be Directors on their “Australian Company” in order to make it happen.
NEW VIDEO—Understanding Islam 14. DAVID WOOD: 3 stages of Jihad (24.50 mins) David Wood explains the three stages of jihad and how Muslims use the concept of the takkiya to lie and deceive Westerners so that they can keep defending the cause of Islam. The call to Jihad has three stages. […]
NEW VIDEO: CULTURAL SHOCKERS: 18. MEMRI: Fatwah on Sodomy as preparation for Anal Jihad (2.38.mins) Sodomy in Islam is forbidden. Yet this Fatwah allows for consenting jihadists to engage in sadomy for the purposes of widening the anal canal in order to eventually insert a rectal bomb for the purpoises of […]
Since 2007 the most subtle play has been happening in the UN between the Organisation of the Islamic Congress (OIC) countries led by Pakistan and the West (mainly EU and US and allies). What is also becoming apparent is that Western values no longer have the power they once had […]