Muslims cannot be elected to Govern Australians Section 44 of the Australian Constitution may prevent Muslims from taking political office — on a matter of allegiance. The practice of every Muslim requires the reverent bowing five times a day to a location point outside of Australia to Mecca in […]
Monthly Archives: October 2014
9 posts
EDUCATION an article by Sandra Caddy. Education is a universal feature of human societies;[1] everyone is educated and everyone educates, yet the term and the practice, like politics, remains strongly contested.[2] Proponents of the Functionalist, Liberal and Social Democratic perspectives all understand that education functions, or could function, for the […]
HOW IT WORKS - Just download the free ap by searching ” buycott ” once you have it you can ” sign in using facebook ” then there is a large list of items you can avoid eg. Gmo, halal etc. Just select halal(and any others you wish). Once you […]
MUSLIM MINDSET The following polls have been collected from all over the world on the subject of Islam and islamic thinking. They cover the areas of terrorism, 9/11, honour killings, women’s roles, Sharia Law, Sharia punishments, alQaeda, suicide bombings, assimilation, killing of Jews, the Holocaust, attacks on America, use of […]
Multiculturalism allows for two or more cultures to live together in the same land. The theory is, that eventually they will end up meshing together to form one gigantic happy nation. Yet this has not worked with Islam in any Western nation to date, because of one fact that everyone seems to want […]
Ken Lay, our Police Commissioner, on 3AW has told various groups (paramedics, firefighters and customs officers) to ‘think about safety’ and not to wear their uniforms outside of work, as they may be targets of terrorism. Is anyone else out there incensed by this? Our armed services can no longer […]
Yet another group of people are being asked to cave into Muslim terrorism. This time it is our young army cadets. Eight hours ago The News reported this story ” Young defence cadets warned not to wear uniforms in public amid terrorism fears—MELBOURNE schools are instructing defence cadets as young as 13 […]
Since 2007 the most subtle play has been happening in the UN between the Organisation of the Islamic Congress (OIC) countries led by Pakistan and the West (mainly EU and US and allies). What is also becoming apparent is that Western values no longer have the power they once had […]
(Photo courtesy of the Armidale Express) Ban the burqa?—some would say it is politically incorrect to even raise the subject, but it is a conversation that Australia must get into. Should the political attire of a segment of Australians prevail in our Westernised society especially if it prevents community cohesion […]