Monthly Archive: July 2016

AUSTRALIAN STUDY: Mosques Impact Local Communities

We have gone to our Council’s Planning Departments with our concerns to no avail. Even our Courts have asked for the Social Impact studies that relate specifically to Australia. Now we can go to them both with the evidence that our concerns about Mosques in Australia are warranted. Finally a detailed non-political study has been done by a recognised …

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Muslim Immigration and Why it Needs to be Stopped

To understand the Issues with Islamic migration is to understand that unlike any other group on the planet, Muslims and Islam share an interwoven a path of living life called Sharia. Islam prescribes what they eat, who they marry, gender roles, occupations and outlook on life, food clothing and laws of communal living (Government). Their …

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How many have to die before we address the elephant

People are accusing Anti-Islam pages (like Stop the Mosque in Bendigo) that report each massacre as it unfolds before they know if it was Muslim-related—as being racist and divisive. Understand these pages are also against the lies of “Political Correctness” and for good reason. The media, the Government and the police are now choosing to withhold information from the …

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How we have allowed Sharia in the West.

Australia has “politely” allowed Islamic law, Sharia to have its way in our country. This is becoming dangerous to our freedom, the equality cornerstone of our culture and it must be halted immediately. Consider the following:

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Selling out Journalism for Political Ends—ENEMEDIA

ENEMEDIA: Definition: (Urban Dictionary) “media-usually left-wing -that lies, distorts, censors and ignores key facts or information when reporting out of fear, ignorance, ineptitude or the typically willful promotion the a the Left side of political agendas only, choosing to dispense propaganda instead of questioning authority and practicing objective journalism”….(selling out journalism for political ends) Sitting through seven …

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