Australian Demographics: Data according the 2011 Australian Census:
Muslim population in Punchbowl vs non Muslim Bendigo.

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Islam consists of roughly 84% Sunnis, 15% Shiites and 1% unorthodox.
Sunni Muslims believe anyone can rule as long as they have adequate knowledge of the Quran,
Shia Muslims however believe that only the blood-descendants of Muhammed can rule.
– Wahhabis (Saudi) are a stricter fundamental form of Sunni Islam and the source of global terrorism eg Taliban, al Qaeda.
– Salafi Muslims (Osama Bin Laden) are even more pure form of Sunni Islam than Wahhabis and only follow the way of Islamic that Muhammad practiced. (ISIS)
– Alawites are a Shiite mystical sect and believe in reincarnation.
– Sufis are the ascetic evangelists of mystical Islam that also spawned the Muslim Brotherhood.
– Ahmadis promote peaceful propagation of Islam, but are so unorthodox that they are often considered outside of Islam.

A Muslim must pay a religious tax (Zakat) amounting to 2.5% of TOTAL earnings. Mosques collect and distribute Zakat. One eighth of the contributions ZAKAT is destined to support jihad. In some parts of the Koran the payment to support jihad is actually higher. A true believer is also a person that supports Jihad with their finances. (Chapter 8 Koran) To support jihad is fulfilling a Muslim's religious obligation to Islam. Zakat funds terrorism.

Saudi Arabia, did not sign the UN declaration of Human Rights in 1948, arguing that it violated Islamic law. In 1990 Islamic countries created their own Human Rights Charter called the “The Cairo Declaration of Human Rights in Islam” (CDHRI) and 45 member countries signed. (Now 58 member countries have signed)

Some of the criticisms from the West included:
– Men are equal…women are not.
– Affirms the superiority of men.
– No one is free to change religions
– Women not free to marry outside of religion
– Punishments according to Sharia Law
– Cannot criticise Prophet or Islam
– cannot undermine moral and ethical values or disintegrate”, arouse nationalistic or doctrinal hatred” or commit an “incitement to any form of racial discrimination” within the Ummah.
-it introduces intolerable discrimination against non-Muslims and women.